who is Felix?

Felix Ventes just wants to find a place where he really belongs in this confusing world he was put in. What exactly that means and how he can achieve this goal has not yet been revealed to him, but he is working on it. He knows how to make a sandwich, how to get a job, and even how to evade taxes - and he is very eager to learn more about how any good human can make the best of their life.


reference sheet:

what kind of person is Felix?

he is a chaotic optimist trying to navigate through a world that he does not understand, and neither does this world really understand him. his curious nature and friendly personality help him connect to other humans and make it easy for him to find friends along his journey. he can be a good listener but he is usually more energetic than calm. when provoked or angry, he also uses this exceptional amount of energy to overreact accordingly.


general info:

  • his height is 177 cm (+his horns are 24 cm long)
  • his birthday is 17th of october
  • he can hear very well because of his long ears
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    songs Felix would like: